Message (HTML)
The Message (HTML) sub-tab allows you to define the message text and formatting for the Email action. This sub-tab modifies the message that will be received by email recipients who receive HTML formatted email. The Message (Text) sub-tab is used to modify the text and formatting of non-HTML message content.
Ensure the Email action is selected.
Click the Message (HTML)sub-tab.
The current message displays, showing the formatting that has been defined and any embedded system data or header information. If this is a new rule, a default message derived from the event displays.
Make your changes.
Change the format of the message:
Select the text you want to format.
Apply the desired formatting using the tools in the toolbar.
To include a link to a referenced work order, select Append WO Link.
To add field references, enter the field name using the format @@FIELDNAME@@.
For example, the Asset ID field would be formatted @@ASSETID@@.
To determine the exact field name for field references, locate the field on the appropriate page and click the field label. The Help window opens, listing the Field Name at the top of the window.
Modify the HTML of the email:
Click the Source button in the left corner of the field editor.
The body of the email text converts to HTML format.
Modify the HTML as necessary.
To insert images, use the following syntax:
##entitylogo##: Your company (entity) logo as displayed on your Home page
##photo##: Photo associated with the event record, such as an asset or labor photo
##photosmall##: Photo as described above displayed in a smaller size; this is the most common size to reference
##photosmallest##: Photo as described above displayed as a very small image
Not all of these options will be available for every rule.
Access the other Send Email tabs and make changes as needed: Settings, Event Recipients, Message Content (Text / Non HTML), and Attachments.
Click Save.